Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 1: "Delhi bomb: Indian group 'may be behind' court attack" - BBC

The investigation following Wednesday's bombing in New Delhi, India, has led to the conclusion that the attack may have been the work of militants based  in India. So far, two militant groups, Harkat-ul Jihad al-Islami (Huji) and the Indian Mujahideen claim to be behind the attacks. Although Huji has Pakistani origins and is reportedly linked to Al-Qaeda, the militant group has not been recently active in India. This discovery is encouraging India to work on battling terrorism in India by going after Indian militant groups instead of Pakistani militant groups. Also, the recent bombings in Pune, Mumbai, and Delhi are putting the Indian government under more and more pressure because there are concerns that the government will not be able to handle the increasing threat.

Majumder, Sanjoy. "Delhi bomb: Indian group 'may be behind' court attack." BBC News. BBC, 09 Sep 2011. Web. 09 Sep 2011. <>.

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